The Mainstay Foundation work to provide centres and organisations across the UK with resources to support initiatives working to uplift and develop the Ithna Ashari Shia Muslim communities in the west. Through the provision of grants, we wish to aid your organisation with your projects to strengthen the Shia Muslim community’s faith through programmes, events and a place of worship which would see to their spiritual and educational needs.

The Religious Aid Grants is designed for centres and organisations looking to hold programmes and events during the Holy Months of Ramadhan and Muharram to see to the peoples spiritual, and educational needs. The funding provided should go towards the speaker’s time and accommodation and the venue costs.

By registering your organisations, it will allow us to verify critical aspects of your organisation through various mechanisms. Once the appropriate checks are carried out, we will issue you with a unique Mainstay Foundation verification number, which is required for the Grant request process. This unique verification number will be used by your organisations to apply for all future grants.

Using the unique verification, number issued by The Mainstay Foundation, your organisation can apply for the religious aid grants. The application should be answered comprehensively and accurately.  

*Please note that the grants must be utilised for the project purpose applied for. If that project is not undertaken or the grant is not utilised for the requsted purpose, funds must be returned to The Mainstay Foundation.

Your organisation is expected to complete a final progress report three months from the date of the grant awarded to you. This report should outline the use of the funds awarded, how your organisation met your objectives and the successes/ shortcomings you had in the use of the funds.  

This is a critical part of the grant request process, as it allows us to improve our future services, in addition to providing us with a critical monitoring tool to assess the use of the grants awarded to your organisation.


The Mainstay Foundation provides grants to mosques, centres and organisations looking to purchase a new place of worship or rebuild an existing mosque or centre for the upliftment and development of the Shia Muslim Communities. Applicants must meet our key criterias and provide the required documents.
To be eligible for the grant award, the donation must be in line with The Mainstay Foundation’s Objectives. Applicants must provide supporting evidence to ensure eligibility for the grant and are expected to submit a final report post-completion within three months of the end of the grant, detailing the results and outputs of the project. Monitoring visits by representatives of the Foundation may be expected during the period of a grant.

All applicants must complete the essential selection criteria for the grant request to be considered. 

The Mainstay Foundation reserves the right to consider each case on its merits and assess with discretion the risks and implications involved in proceeding to review a particular application. 

Fully completed form with an appropriately signed declaration. 

Applicants must confirm that neither they nor any of their directors have been convicted under the TMF regulations/grant agreement.

Applicants will be required to possess a sound current financial situation and recent trading record.

Applicants must confirm that they either already have, or would be willing to obtain, the levels of insurance cover stipulated by the Council. The insurance levels required for this framework is equivalent to a minimum of £5,000,000 GBP for Public Liability and £10,000,000 GBP for Employers’ Liability. Any applicant who does not currently hold these levels of insurance, or who is not willing to obtain such levels of insurance will fail.

Applicants must provide evidence that their subcontractor possesses both technical competence and capability to deliver services under this contract/framework, having provided similar services/projects for a minimum of 3 years. Any applicant unable to demonstrate such evidence in question 6 of the business questionnaire will fail.

Applicants will be required to advise if sub-contractors will be used in the provision of the service and therefore evidence robust procedures for identifying sub-contractors/ skills and use. Any applicant unable to demonstrate such evidence at question 5 of the questionnaire will fail.



If you have any questions or concerns, kindly send us a message and a member of our team will get back to you.
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